Decentralization Strategy

Why, how, and when Kampeni will decentralize

The long term plan for Kampeni is near complete decentralization. This is our strategy for decentralization covering our guiding principles and roadmap. We appreciate feedback as we advance along the path to decentralization.

Why Kampeni Needs to Be Decentralized

Video Games are an Increasingly Accessible Medium To Tell Stories

We believe everyone has a story worth telling and games are an incredible medium to tell these stories. The proliferation of no and low code tools (Construct, Unity, etc) has made it increasingly easy for everyone to tell stories through games. The challenge is established game publishers often extract rents and often block really compelling stories.

Game Publishers Are Extracting Excessive Rents and Blocking Great Stories

The current centralized state of game development revolves around the publisher. The publisher is the central authority in the game system that often imposes:

  • Adherence to Proven Game Concepts - this is why the most well known first person shooters have a release every year and Eric Barone had to spend years personally assuming the risk of building Stardew Valley.

  • Stressful Development Cycles -A lot of the "crunch" or stressful and hectic development cycles associated with game development, is a result of pressures imposed by large publishers.

  • Outsized Rents -Publishers take a fairly large economic share of a game's proceeds.

Kampeni Creates a Decentralized Ecosystem for Storytellers to Tell and Distribute Their as Games

Kampeni at its foundation is an operating system to tell stories through video games. Kampeni provides the characters, the base lore, the game mechanics, an in game political economy. Between the game design provided by Kampeni and funding available from the Kampeni DAOs Kampeni reduces the need for game Publishers. This will have several benefits for game developers and gamers:

  • Easier to Tell Unique Stories - Building a game that advances the Kampeni story is substantially lower risk than building an entirely new game from scratch. This makes it easier to obtain support for stories told in atypical game formats.

  • Less Stressful Development Cycles - Swapping the large publisher for a DAO will likely relieve some of the stress that comes from working with publisher's solving for the short term.

  • Leverage Readily Available IP and NFTs - Game developers and storytellers can plug into the existing NFT ecosystem and established IP and focus on expanding Kampeni's lore with your own story.

  • Established Community and Player Base - Game developers and storytellers an build for an existing player base and community that can provide valuable feedback.

Kampeni's Decentralization Principles

Kampeni applies the following principles when making decisions implicating decentralization.

  • Minimize permanent decisions establishment of decentralized governance

  • Bias towards node maximization

  • Bias towards open source tools

  • Avoiding reliance on Web2 platforms for core operations

  • Document all major decisions on chain, even prior to decentralization

Decentralization Roadmap

  • Distributed storytelling capturing in-game lore on-chain.

  • Establishing DAO governance for each character race, character class, city, and other organizations in game.

  • Full decentralization of political economy.

  • Phased decentralization of monetization of the Kampeni ecosystem.

  • Phased decentralization of publishing decisions on the Kampeni ecosystem.

  • Phased decentralization of Kampeni overall governanance. Note: There is no identifiable path to decentralizing content moderation.

Last updated