Minting Schedule and Initial Pricing

Minting Events Occur at the Start and Middle of Each Chapter

Kampeni is a 50 chapter story. Each chapter will have at least one minting event. While mints are random each "tranche" of characters is designed to advance the story to the next chapter. For that reason some traits may not be available in every chapter. Most tranches will be 20,000 for villagers, 7,500 for heroes, and 1-of-1s for legendary characters. Smaller tranches ensure there are sufficient characters for the game to run effectively and t prevent character inflation.

Characters Can Be Resurrected But Not Breed, Nor Created

Characters in Kampeni can only be acquired through minting or trading. There is no "breeding" or creation of characters in game. In limited cases there is an opportunity to reincarnate a character. Given characters can die, NFT character inflation does not happen in Kampeni.

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